Thursday, 3 March 2011

Dog Eared Poster idea

Here are few examples of a poster idea i have been working on for GF Smith paper celebrating a 100 years of paper.

The idea is very simple its self which is what i like about it. It is all about the pure paper. The information of the GF Smith paper has been stencilled out of the poster its self in Helvetica. I chose this font as i looked on the GF Smith website and it looked like the font they where using, so I thought this would be a good idea to use.
The right hand corner has been dog eared. This is because when ever i see paper there is normal a corner that has been lent on or folded over to remember a page or been a bit battered and i thought it was quite a simple symbol of paper.

The idea for this was to have the poster hanging then shine light on it in different angels to create different lighting effects on the poster.

Here are a few examples of how it is coming out i am quite happy with it at the mo, but i think it needs to be played around with more.

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